Something has gone "fowl" at the Garlick Press.
We have a few more new babies to introduce...
Starring in the role of Americauna is "General Tsao".
At the top of the pecking order is "Mother Clucker" a Buff Orpington (her G-rated name is Buffy). She is in charge of all the chicks and established her superiority since we brought the girls home.
A melodic peep peep peep can be heard constantly at our house now. It is the most soothing song. Despite the raging snowstorm this weekend, it sounds like Spring here.
Even Izzy the pooch...and no she wasn't coerced into this photo at all...not at all.
The brooder must be kept at a constant 95 degrees in order to keep the chicks healthy and happy.
We giggle and marvel at everything they do. When you leave the room for even the slightest amount of time they cheep cheep loudly looking for you to return....quieting down as soon as you are in sight.
Chet was hesitant at he is their protector. Just like other Hollywood babies, the girls were only allowed a certain amount of time for a photo shoot and then he demanded that they take a break to rest.
We are absolutely over the moon about these chicks!
Well most of us gone-it, this family is for the birds!