Monday, October 17, 2011

Handsome Henry

Oh sweetness that is six month old handsome grandson Henry,

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

I love thee to the oceanic depth of those sparkling blue eyes.

There and back along the length of those stunningly long eyelashes.

 I love thee for the soft gurgling giggle that says "So happy to meet you...whomever you are"!

I love thee for long soulful glances manifesting wisdom beyond your years...or rather months.

For that extraordinary sense of heart belongs to thee.

A tisket a tasket is that Henry in my basket?



and uncommon concentration.

I love...just the essence and the very miracle of thee!

Oh dreamy days of babyhood are all yours sweet Henry...

What's this...a hijacking of Henry's photo shoot by Olivia?

It looks that way doesn't it?

And yet it only seems perfect, that where Henry is...Olivia is not far away!

because these two have an everlasting love of brother and sister.

Ah yes, now where were we...I love thee Henry, with all my Nana heart!