February 1st... Technologically speaking Valentine you totally have me wired!
2nd And Valentine...Honey Badger DOES love good news from your office, thanks for sharing!
3rd Valentine I'm so happy to be stuck with you on the couch watching chick flicks.
4th You shine Valentine, thanks for washing my car.
5th Valentine you tickle my funny bone when you ask "Is pie fattening"?
6th U R 2 good 2 B true with your text on the way to Mexico saying "Adios Chica"
7th Bee mine Valentine...with your sweet honey drizzled over breakfast toast.
8th Telephone calls whenever your plane lands Valentine...always make my heart soar.
9th Valentine there's nothing fishy about sharing sushi with you on a Friday night.
10th Hip hip hooray...you're my best cheerleader Valentine when I need to start and finish Miss Mary's quilt today.
11th Valentine you're a champion for taking The Teenager to The Dew Tour.
12th You crack me up Valentine...and I'm egg-static you fed the chickens on your way out the door.
13th Dawg Gone it Valentine...you are bad to the bone!
14th Valentine...of all the love stories in the world, ours is my favorite!
Happy Valentines Day one and all!