Friday, September 21, 2012

Photos of Us

I don't have a lot of pictures of myself. In fact until recently, just a couple. Usually I'm behind the camera and prefer it that way. Most photographers do. But an amazing workshop experience changed that for me. I'll post more about that later as I have so much to tell and so many images to share.

If I do get a photo of me, it's usually because I'd like to document the fact that I was there. I force the heavy camera and lens into someone else's hands with brief instructions to put the focus point on my eye and press the shutter release.

But this past weekend I was forced to stand on the other side of the camera and watch the lens try to achieve a perfect focus while capturing an image of me. It's hard to be the subject, it's hard to give your most natural smile for ten minutes or longer. And it is extremely difficult to look at your photo and like it...really like it!

Photographers are the WORST critics.

Posing for the camera I learned patience...I learned what it means to be vulnerable. But what I really learned was how wonderful it is to have a photograph that captures my true authentic self. Yes there are things about this photo that I would change, but maybe those are the things that I dislike about myself and wish were different.

So I'm choosing to look at this photo and thank the photographer for capturing this moment for me. This one moment where sad days melt into the background. This one moment where I feel true joy and happiness.

But could I maybe just photoshop those wrinkles away?


  1. I just went to Karen's blog and saw you in a photo next to her! How lovely that the two of you got to meet in person - sounds like it was a great experience for all. Really looking forward to hearing about it. Yes, it's ironic how as avid photographers we feel so uncomfortable in front of the camera. These are two beautiful photos.

    1. The workshop was beyond anything I had imagined as is Karen. She is just as dear in person as she is in her online workshops. I wish every one of her students could have this experience!

  2. I love the photos that Coral took of you. By all means photoshop away just remember a little makeup not botox and a boob job!

  3. WRINKLES! What wrinkles? You are beautiful just they way you are. So happy you could get away and enjoy your passion of photography.

  4. You look adorable! So pretty and happy. If you have read my latest post, you will see my experiment with being in front of the camera. Maybe you should get Silly!

    1. I loved your get silly post and think more of us should do something similar!

  5. These photos are beautiful! REALLY beautiful!

  6. You speak the truth! Lisa, these are beautiful. And now I am going to have the song Pretty in Pink stuck in my head all night. :-)

  7. You look beautiful Lisa! Both inside and out. You should get in front of the camera more often.

  8. Love these! I'm not brave enough to be on the other side...but you speak the whole truth here. Can't wait to hear about your workshop :)

  9. I love them both! I don't see any wrinkles, just smile crinkles!
